Hi everyone. The topic for this entry is WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY.
Today's networks connect terminals, devices, and computers from many different manufacturers across many types of networks, such as wide area, local area, and wireless.
A network standard defines guidelines that specify the way computers access the medium to which they are attached.
Computers and devices that have the appropriate wireless capability can communicate via radio waves with other computers or devices using Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), which identifies any network based on the 802.11 standards.
Develop by IEEE, 802.11 is a series of network standards that specifies how two wireless devices communicate over the air with each other.
Bluetooth is a network standard, specially a protocol, that defines how two Bluetooth devices use short-range radio waves to transmit data. The data transfers between devices at a rate of up to 3 Mbps.
Bluetooth devices often must be within about 10 meters (about 33 feet) but can be extended to 100 meters with additional equipment in order to communicate with each other.
A Bluetooth device contains a small chip that allows it to communicate with other Bluetooth devices. Examples of Bluetooth - enabled devices can include desktop computers, notebook computers, handheld computers, smart phones, headsets, keyboards, mouse devices, microphones, digital cameras, GPS receivers and printers.
Some computers and devices use the IrDA standard to transmit data wirelessly to each other via infrared (Ir) light waves. The devices transfer data at rates from 115 Kbps (thousand bits per second) to 4 Mbps between their IrDA ports.
Infrared requires a line-of-sight transmission; that is, the sending device and the receiving device must be in line with each other so that nothing obstructs the path of the infrared light wave.
The term broadband refers to a telecommunications signal or device of greater bandwidth. A broadband signalling method is one that includes or handles a relatively wide range of frequencies. The wider the bandwidth of a channel, the greater the information- carrying capacity, given the same channel quality.
Broadband system usually use a different radio frequency modulated by the data signal for each band. The total bandwidth of the medium is larger than the bandwidth of any channel. In data communications, a 56 k modem will transmit a data rate of 56 kilo bits per second over 1 4 kilo hertz wide telephone line.
Broadband media transmit multiple signals simultaneously. In many cases, download transfer rates of broadband are faster than its upload transfer rates. Home and business users today opt for broadband Internet access because of the fast transfer rate.
That is all for this entry. Thank you for spending your time to read.
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